October 31, 2013

Cup Nonsense

I tried. I tried really, really hard to care about the Milk.. Coca Cola...  Worthingtons... Littlewoods... Carling.... Capital One... League Cup, but I just simply could muster enough shit to really give. So therefor I was not able to give a single shit about it. 
I even went as far as having a good friend text me updates, but even that seemed laboured.

I am not trying to make out as if we don't need this trophy, because over the years this has realistically been our best chance at a trophy. And I'm not trying to make it look like we've got the League title in the bag, far from it. I honestly cannot explain why this tournament seems so dull to me. 

I suppose you can put it down to media coverage (there is none, or very little when it comes to watching in Michigan). Or perhaps the reward when it's all said and done? Be honest here, if we go up to a Chelski fan, or a poor Sp*rs fan at the end of the year and say; "We won the Capital One Cup, you son's of bitches!!!!" I think we can all agree we'd get laughed at, and quite fairly ridiculed for winning the 'Who Gives A Fuck Cup'.

All that aside, and considering I only saw extended highlights and read multiple match reports, I believe it would be fair to say we got our arses handed to us. A shame really, as it was a decent starting line up. I can only assume that Wenger gave almost as much of a shit as I did, and just couldn't be arsed to put together a good pre match motivational speech. 

So, that's less games to play, and less games to clog the already congested schedule! Let's look at it that way, a far more optimistic way. Now we can focus our attention on what actually matters to 99.9% of football fans, or even humans across the planet. We've got some tricky fixtures coming up, and a replay in the League Cup would just be an inconvenience really.

We welcome Liverpool to The Emirates on Saturday, and for American residents this is a very accessible game. NBC is hosting the game at 1:30pm in the afternoon. Prime! Almost everyone should be able to watch this from the comfort of their own home. Good timing too, as this is going to be a great game. Two teams that have underachieved the last few seasons, and two teams who are firmly planted in the top four. Liverpool are in surprisingly good form this year, so we'll have to be at our best to get a decent result.

Chelski go to Newcastle, and it would be nice of our jordie friends up the road to do us a favour here and put a dent in the Russian teams form. We've only got a 2 point lead at the moment, so assuming Alan Pardew goes and bollocks everything up, we've got to win our game to stay top.

The great news is Abu Diaby is back fit, and will start against Liverpool!!! And if you actually believe that, you're either living in Narnia or drunk. We'd be lucky to ever see that poor bastard in an Arsenal shirt (playing) again. The real good news is that we're Arsenal, and we've been looking rather sexy this season so far, and it wouldn't surprise me to see us pull this one out of the bag. 

Where's Michael Thomas when you need him? Up The Arsenal!!!!